transformation | time freedom | marketing | legacy

At the end of our lives, none of us will look back and think about how many widgets we sold online, or numbers we reached.

We’ll look back on one thing… The impact.

The impact on ourselves, who we became, and who we helped transform along the way.

Speaking on many stages, virtual and in person, we love helping serve the audience in a transformative way that sticks with them.

Stephen brings the technical, firehose marketing tactics, strategies and quick wins that’ll have people’s hands hurting trying to take notes so fast.

Chelsey brings the relatable story that’ll have the audience on the edge of their seat or reaching for tissues as the takeaways go from head to heart.


Chelsey and her husband Stephen Diaz are the founders of The Rainmaker Family, where they create transformational experiences for moms who want to step into time freedom, generational abundance & leave a thriving family legacy.

speaking & partnerships


sometimes you don’t know, until you GO

it’s who we become in the valley that prepares us for the mountaintop.
when walls come up, how do you truly knock them down so they can become ramps to your next level? 

awards & accomplishments

Chelsey and Stephen Diaz have landed a spot in the top 1% of all online marketers. Their iconic ads featuring Chelsey lip-syncing in the kitchen with a baby on her hip have reached 10s of millions of people. Chelsey and Stephen Diaz are winners of the coveted Two Comma Club “X” Award award from Clickfunnels for crossing into 8-Figure territory. They have also been keynote speakers at events alongside names like Russell Brunson, Daymond John and Jenna Kutcher as well as been featured by Inc 5000, Forbes, Mashable, CEO Weekly, Ritz Herald, Bloomberg, Benzinga, and Yahoo Finance and more. As join venture partners they’ve driven countless impact and millions in sales to partnered companies who align with The Rainmaker Family mission vision and values.


Chelsey and Stephen Diaz are driven by impact and are on mission to become the #1 transformational personal development experience for moms to find purpose and profit working freely from home (or wherever) with a business they call their own. They are soon launching a venture capital fund for accredited investors who want to deploy private equity into upward trending mother-owned ecommerce brands.

The ultimate goal with the fund is to create a win win scenario for both investor and brand owner. The Rainmaker Family will lean in with their own systems and team to scale and sell those brands producing not only generational wealth for the brand owner, but also passive income for investors with a potential big payout upon the successful exit of the brand. Chelsey Diaz always says "give a mom time freedom and financial freedom and she'll change the world" and The Rainmaker Family is excited to see how the launch of this fund will impact many more lives in their community.


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