We’ve created a community of moms who are all about one thing… leverage. If you’re not a mom, that’s okay… as long as you’re into leverage, we can help you.

the rainmaker family


leverage in your finances.
leverage in your time.
leverage in your life.

Leverage is all about small actions that have big long-lasting impact, and that’s what this channel is all about.

If you want to find purpose and profit working freely from home (or wherever) with a business you call your own, click that subscribe button and then click it again to set your notifications to ALL so you never miss a video.

Take The Rainmaker Challenge

let’s create leverage

We’re Chelsey & Stephen and we have we built an 8 figure business with wide range of income streams, e-commerce, affiliate marketing, real estate, service based, information, and coaching. We’re on a mission to help your family thrive!

Hop into one of our communities and join us! Let’s create leverage together so you can leave a thriving legacy for your family.

Learn More About The Rainmaker Family

Our Rainmaker journey started on the mission field in Latin America. We were a full time missionary family for over 10 years and in desperate need for a financial breakthrough. We launched our first product in on Amazon in October 2019. By October 2020 we had released 4 more products and our business hit the 6-figure mark. We were blown away by the impact this had on our family, finances and on me as a Mom of 7 turned Boss Lady on e- commerce. We are forever grateful to our RM family!” –Melissa M.

Before Rainmakers, I was an avid learner, but I wouldn’t take action. My learned helplessness and anxiety would win. Rainmakers got me to take action, and that’s what made it different than any other program I’d purchased in the past. My children are unafraid to learn new skills and take action now, too. I’ve made amazing connections with incredible women that I now consider my sisters. I’ve learned that we’re better and stronger together, and that I’m worthy of help. –Missy T.

Hello! This is Aveline with her two brothers, my business’ namesake. My entrepreneurial journey began with Rainmaker Acad. and my desire to see financial breakthrough. I started RM with quite literally no money to our name, but thanks to the wisdom Stephen & Chelsey provide in this program, I have built a business that generated 40K in the first 3 months, I’ve met incredible friends, and taught invaluable lessons to my kiddos, breaking the poverty mindset, and creating a legacy for the future. –Tirzah A.

Before Rainmakers, it never occurred to me to start my own business. All my life, I thought I had to work for someone else. AFTER Rainmakers, it was like the floodgates were opened — I had all kinds of product ideas, tools, resources, and most importantly, I finally had HOPE and an amazing support group! In less than a year, I formed my LLC, trademarked my brand, and launched a product for a community that I love (mothers!). I am beyond blessed to be part of the Rainmaker family. –Sophia T.

Before I joined Rainmakers, I was struggling with a failed Etsy shop and a general “feeling like a failure” mentality. I knew I was meant to be an entrepreneur and that there was something on my life to do business and create streams of income. Rainmakers helped me to see a path forward, to take on the attitude of “how can I,” to take concrete action and to face walls and challenges in community I could have never anticipated and to overcome! –Joy B.

I joined the RM Family in Oct. 2020. I was a stay-at-home mom making ends meet when I clicked on the now famous Rainmaker Ad (Chelsea at Target). Little did I know it would be a LIFE-CHANGING CLICK! I finally had the knowledge (and courage) to launch my first product under my Green Home Mama brand in Sept. 2021. It is amazing to see total strangers buy my product and leave raving reviews. Who would have thought I could have a revenue of $4,500+ in the first 10 days in business?… –Gratiela G.

Shortly before joining Rainmakers I had experienced a miscarriage. Joining Rainmakers surrounded me with a community of people who supported me, who cried with me, and who prayed with me through my journey. My company was born out of my pain, and my hope is for my products to bring comfort to other women who experience this as well as celebrate with those who are on the other side with their rainbow babies! I launched two products in a year thanks to rainmakers! –Samantha A.

I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering and work as an engineer. My main reasons for going into engineering were to see things I designed come to life and to help people. Engineering can be rewarding, but the itch for entrepreneurship has always been there. I joined Rainmakers to learn how to set myself free from corporate life- and I am well on my way! I LOVE doing this, which I have never said about any job I’ve ever had. There are struggles, but there are also solutions!
– Michelle B.

I have been a RN for 25 yrs & enjoyed hobbies on my off hours. I sold on eBay and Amazon for many year. I had some success but would hit roadblocks, and move onto the next product or idea. When I found Rainmakers I knew right away it could offer me the knowledge I was lacking. Not only did it fill my knowledge gaps, it created an amazing support group to keep me moving forward. Since joining Rainmakers I have launched 5 products. The roadblocks don’t stop me anymore, I learn and keep on moving. –Janet H.

Rainmakers changed our life for the better in so many ways! Before Rainmakers I owned and operated an independent hair salon. I missed out on all my kids practices and events. I worked nights and weekends to avoid daycare fees while my husband worked days. Fast forward a year & I’ve replaced my income and now never miss a beat with my kids. I’m even able to volunteer my time at Church and School because I stopped trading my time for money. Rainmakers has been one of our many, many blessings. –Kayla S.

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I started October 2020 and knew this is something I could do. With my husbands full support I joined the academy. I’m still in the launch phase of my first product but I have been successful in getting it on the first page already. My husband and I discuss this business everyday, he’s always had the heart and drive of an entrepreneur….I have not. Rainmakers brought me fully on board to the entrepreneur life. –Michelle S.

People ask me why do you love being a Rainmaker? I said because they teach me to follow my dreams and find my why and work hard for it! Sense I am a rainmaker me and my family are able to help others with the financial freedom that we now have after a year of starting our own e-comerce business! I made 6 figures revenue in less then a year, and we know how this is just the beginning of this beautiful adventure, thank you to Stephen and Chelsey for giving me the opportunity to be who I am. –Scarleth J.

The last 12 months have been incredibly amazing. Rainmakers changed my life as a single parent. I took the challenge with zero knowledge on how to run an Amazon business and I now have 12 products launched. –Flore F.

Late 2019, I was forced out of a job I loved. I was broken and helpless. I knew I wanted to spend more time with then 3-year old daughter and build a legacy for her but I was unemployed and broke. Then the pandemic hit. 1-income family drowning in bills, and there was no light at the end of the tunnel. With a leap of faith, I joined the RM family and invested all my savings in my first product. I’ve launched 3 products and my family is more financially stable today than I thought was possible. –Chidi P.

As a family, we were gearing up to move down to serve down in Mexico with Homes of Hope when I saw Stephen and Chelsey’s Video on how to sell on Amazon! I knew this was a perfect opportunity for our family. From ordering my sample to launching the beads, in 5-months I had over $20k in sales! What a blessing to learn a new skill and find a way to earn income for our family with minimal time spent. So thankful to be a Rainmaker! –Amanda R.

I am a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom of two. After 9 years at home and an unexpected job loss for my husband, I began looking for ways to generate income from home. I discovered Rainmakers and learned about passive income opportunities available through ecommerce. In July 2020 I launched my first handmade pom pom garland on Amazon, and now have an extra stream of income for our family! I love having an outlet for my creativity and business background, and the balance it brings to my life! –Jeni M.

Hi, we are Eva and Lissette; two busy moms with seven kids between us, besties of 30 years and business partners. We have tried different entrepreneurial pursuits in the past with little success still we knew there was more. We just didn’t know where to look. Flash forward we have grown so much in our personal confidence and ability. We have switched from an “I can’t” mindset to a ” How can I” mindset. We are so excited for what the future holds for Hello You.tiful. We are determined to succeed. –Eva O.

My husband Manny & I took the leap to invest in ourselves & join Rainmakers at age 22 & 23. Something in us knew it was for us. We now sell 3 products on Amazon & have an online customer community called My Happiest Mail! The fruit we have experienced is all because of the decisions we made with full faith that this would work. Our why—no time spent away from our family to fulfill daily orders. I have now left my job with Stephen & Chelsey, that I loved, to pursue our Amazon brand full time! –Lainie C.

A few years ago, I left my “dream job” as a teacher seeking to have time-freedom. I had recently returned to live with my parents, not knowing that we would be helping each other overcome some major obstacles. Being victims of fraud, nearly foreclosing on our home, and massive debt were among the things that felt so suffocating. Rainmakers has changed Mom’s & my outlook on life and our ability to have financial freedom for our family and our goals to make a difference in our community. –Fara -Moné A.

From connecting with cultures through dance, to worldschooling, to living clean green healthy lives, there are many passions that fuel my creative & entrepreneurial journey. Enter the Rainmakers…a wonderful community at the right time! They helped me launch tangible products, and continue serving like-minded, adventurous families who love learning about their world! However this multi-passionate mama can inspire people to live more creatively, while showing her son what is possible, I’m on it! –Lucinda C.

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Lifestyle Freedom Journey?

YES! Let's Do This!

Ready To Start Your
Lifestyle Freedom Journey?


YES! Let's Do This!

Ready To Start Your
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YES! Let's Do This!

Ready To Start Your
Lifestyle Freedom Journey?

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