A Life-Changing Secret I Wish I Knew When I Became An Entrepreneur

Today, I want to share a little secret that I wish I knew when I first started my entrepreneurial journey: the power of theming your days. 📅

You might be familiar with time blocking, which involves allocating specific hours to certain tasks. Day theming takes this concept to a whole new level. In our household, we don’t just plan our work around this idea; it encompasses everything from managing our @rainmakerfamily business, and personal branding, to our family commitments.

Here’s a glimpse into how we make it work:

Sunday: The Family Meeting

Our week starts with a family meeting every Sunday. This is crucial for us to align our goals and plans. We aim to stay at least 10 days ahead because, honestly, a week sometimes just isn’t enough.

Monday: Personal Brand Focus

Mondays are dedicated to my personal brand. It’s all about diving deep into what needs attention and starting the week strong with impactful work.

Tuesday: Creative Powerhouse

Tuesdays are for hitting that record button! It’s a day filled with creativity – from content creation to recording our podcast. It’s our full-on creative day.

Thursday: Errands and Appointments

I group all personal errands and appointments on Thursdays. This includes doctor’s visits, haircuts, and any other errands. It saves me from running around all week and keeps things organized.

Friday: Adventure 

We kick off the weekend together because Friday’s are my adventure days with the boys, and we go and do something fun, just the three of us!

This way, I’m not running around all week.

This approach has been a game changer for both Stephen and I the past 9 months. It’s not just about being more productive; it’s about being kinder to our minds. Studies show that focusing on one task at a time allows for deeper concentration and leads to better results than constantly switching tasks.

I encourage you to give day theming a try. It’s transformed how we manage our time and tasks, and I’m confident it can do the same for you. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

Here’s to a more organized, productive, and peaceful mind!

December 13, 2023

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Instagram is my jam.
