leverage & legacy


3 Lessons I’ve Learned From Gardening

My first garden experience…I was newly pregnant with Kai and so sick!  I mustered up the strength and went to Lowe’s with Stephen to buy some wood and take home a few simple easy plants to start my very first garden as an adult. Stephen built a planter box for me, and I planted a […]

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The Legacy Studio

How to Tackle ROI In Your Business and Family In A Busy Season

I can hardly believe we’re already deep into 2023, and I gotta say, the last half of the year has been nothing short of crazy pants for us!

Between personal endeavors like solo friend trips and professional commitments like conferences, and not to forget the family travel, there’s hardly a weekend when we’re all at home. It feels like a whirlwind where, as soon as we settle back in, either Stephen or I are packing our bags again, ready for the next adventure.

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The Power Of Baby Steps and Mindset Shifts for Success

Today, I’m diving deep into a topic that’s been heavy on my heart and mind recently: the power of incremental steps and the importance of mindset in achieving our goals. Whether you’re striving to become a top Amazon seller, reaching for a personal goal, or embarking on a new life adventure, this message is for you.

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The Legacy Studio

Earthley: My Go-To for Natural and Effective Products

I’m super excited to share a gem of a find with you! It’s a brand that has truly transformed the way I approach health and wellness in our home.

Before we dive into my top product picks, let me take a moment to share how I stumbled upon this amazing brand!

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Kitchen Favorites: A Glimpse into Some of My Kitchen Must-Haves (The Prettiest Toaster On The Block!)

I’m excited to share with you some of my absolute favorite kitchen items that have become daily essentials in our home!Each of these products has brought so much joy and convenience into our lives, and I’m excited to share a little bit about why I love them so much!

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Balancing Motherhood and Career: You Can Have It All!

Recently, I experienced a moment that deeply resonated with me and reinforced the very essence of our mission and why I do what I do.

I was approached by a woman, her eyes filled with a mix of admiration and reflection. She was in her late 40s to early 50s, and her words struck a chord in my heart…

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Growth Moments in Parenting: The Three-Year-Old Mamas Note of Encouragement

This week has been a whirlwind of emotions, challenges, and growth. As many of you know, my little Kaizen is currently 3.5! And with that milestone, he’s entered a phase of exploration, curiosity, and, yes, boundary testing. It’s been a week of him pushing limits and me trying to find the balance between guiding him and letting him discover the world in his own unique way.

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One-Time Sitters: A Game-Changing Solution for Busy Parents

As we navigate through life’s journey, it’s important to pause and ask ourselves, “How am I really feeling about the path ahead?” There are a multitude of voices out there, each with its own predictions and expectations. But today, I want to be a voice of hope for you and your family.

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

The Ultimate Guide to Traveling with Kids for Entrepreneurial Parents

So, what is my philosophy when it comes to photography? Simply put, I’m passionate about legacy. When I look through my viewfinder, I don’t just see a family; I see their story, their journey, their legacy. And it’s that story I strive to capture and preserve.

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Chelsey’s Top Picks: Inspiring Children’s Books Every Mom Should Have

Hello, Rainmakers! It’s Chelsey here, and today I want to share something very close to my heart – the joy of reading with our children. As a mom, I believe that books are not just a source of entertainment, but also a powerful tool to inspire, educate, and shape our children’s minds.

So, I’ve curated a list of my favorite children’s books from my Amazon store that I believe every mom should consider adding to their home library. These books are not only engaging and beautifully illustrated, but they also carry important messages about life, values, and the power of imagination.

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