How to Tackle ROI In Your Business and Family In A Busy Season



I can hardly believe we’re already deep into 2023, and I gotta say, the last half of the year has been nothing short of crazy pants for us!

Between personal endeavors like solo friend trips and professional commitments like conferences, and not to forget the family travel, there’s hardly a weekend when we’re all at home. It feels like a whirlwind where, as soon as we settle back in, either Stephen or I are packing our bags again, ready for the next adventure.

I’m overwhelmed with gratitude for these opportunities, and the chance to travel both solo and with our boys is something I never take for granted. However, with such a jam-packed schedule, it can be easy to feel like I’m constantly playing catch-up, and there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. Plus, there’s my strong desire to be fully present when I’m with our boys, soaking in every precious moment.

Now, I’m not saying I have it all figured out (who does, really?), but Stephen and I have laid out some golden guidelines to help us navigate through this bustling season while ensuring that our family connection stays at the forefront of everything!

1. Weekly Sunday Family Lunch Meetings

This has been an absolute game-changer for me! It’s been crucial in maintaining my sanity and keeping us all on the same page. We even have a full podcast episode on the Rainmaker Family Show where we break down this process. Check out Episode 99 – trust me, this meeting might just be a life-changer for you too!

2. Learning to Say NO

Our calendar is already bursting at the seams with commitments that we’re genuinely excited about. We’ve been incredibly intentional about what we say yes to, remembering that sometimes, you have to say no to make room for the best opportunities. For example, Stephen gracefully turned down an awesome opportunity recently simply because it didn’t make sense to add more to our plate.

3. Debunking FOMO

This one is a toughie, and it requires a conscious effort to opt out of the Fear Of Missing Out. I’m learning to embrace the mindset that if an opportunity is meant to be, it will find its way back to us. Saying no doesn’t come naturally to me, but practicing this mindset shift has been key in maintaining our peace and balance.

4. Establishing a Bedtime Routine

Never underestimate the power of good quality sleep! I’ve developed a bedtime routine that helps calm my nervous system and lower my cortisol levels, ensuring that I wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day. It might sound simple, but making this routine a non-negotiable has been a game-changer for my productivity.

So, there you have it! – a little peek into how we’re navigating this seasoh while keeping our family connection strong and intact. It’s a learning process, so I’d love to know, what would you add to the list. Leave me a comment and let me know!

Here’s to embracing the busy seasons and making the most out of every opportunity!

November 21, 2023

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