leverage & legacy


3 Lessons I’ve Learned From Gardening

My first garden experience…I was newly pregnant with Kai and so sick!  I mustered up the strength and went to Lowe’s with Stephen to buy some wood and take home a few simple easy plants to start my very first garden as an adult. Stephen built a planter box for me, and I planted a […]

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The Seeds of Success: Lessons From My 12-Year Journey in Business

It’s been 12 years as an entrepreneur, and I’ve gathered some tips and lessons I think any woman can learn! For any niche or industry, it doesn’t matter; some principles are timeless.  You may have heard the quote, “Success leaves clues.” and it’s so true! These tips are not just my list, but you will […]

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The #1 Thing I Changed About Myself When Transitioning from One to Two Kids

Navigating the transition from one to two kids has been a journey of love, learning, and embracing a new way of life. It’s a chapter that has brought more structure, more intention, and more planning into our daily rhythm, and I’m excited to share a bit of my story with you.

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Earthley: My Go-To for Natural and Effective Products

I’m super excited to share a gem of a find with you! It’s a brand that has truly transformed the way I approach health and wellness in our home.

Before we dive into my top product picks, let me take a moment to share how I stumbled upon this amazing brand!

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Kitchen Favorites: A Glimpse into Some of My Kitchen Must-Haves (The Prettiest Toaster On The Block!)

I’m excited to share with you some of my absolute favorite kitchen items that have become daily essentials in our home!Each of these products has brought so much joy and convenience into our lives, and I’m excited to share a little bit about why I love them so much!

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My End of The Day Ritual: Why I Recommend This To Every Mom For a Balanced Life

In the dance of daily life, where we whirl between roles and responsibilities, finding a moment to breathe and mentally transition from the world of work to the sanctuary of home is crucial.

I call this the power of the PAUSE.

At the end of my work day, I have a small yet transformative ritual that has become my anchor and my bridge between mom and CEO. I’ve been embracing this end-of-the-day ritual for a few months now, by just carving out 5 to 10 minutes as my work day ends and before I jump into mom world with my boys. 

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Exploring the Benefits of Red Light Therapy! What I Am Learning In My Health Journey

Hey, friend! 

It’s Chelsey here, sharing a little piece of my journey in the realm of health and wellness. As you know, I’m no health expert, but I’m always on the lookout for ways to enhance my well-being and share my discoveries with you all.

Why Red Light Therapy?

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That Gut Feeling: Grow Your Intuition By Taking Action

The journey of life requires us to take a leap of faith, and to GO before we KNOW, and to trust the whispers of our intuition. I often reflect on listening to those subtle nudges and gentle reminders that urge us to act, to connect, and to reach out.

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Navigating Relationship Setbacks: How Our Mission Statement Became Our North Star

When Stephen and I sent out our save-the-dates, the excitement was palpable.

Friends and family eagerly marked their calendars, and the future seemed set in stone.

But life, as it often does, threw us a curveball. Just when we thought we were on a clear path to marriage, Stephen made the unilateral decision to call off our wedding…

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Growth Moments in Parenting: The Three-Year-Old Mamas Note of Encouragement

This week has been a whirlwind of emotions, challenges, and growth. As many of you know, my little Kaizen is currently 3.5! And with that milestone, he’s entered a phase of exploration, curiosity, and, yes, boundary testing. It’s been a week of him pushing limits and me trying to find the balance between guiding him and letting him discover the world in his own unique way.

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