Chelsey’s Top Picks: Inspiring Children’s Books Every Mom Should Have



Hello, Rainmakers! It’s Chelsey here, and today I want to share something very close to my heart – the joy of reading with our children. As a mom, I believe that books are not just a source of entertainment, but also a powerful tool to inspire, educate, and shape our children’s minds.

So, I’ve curated a list of my favorite children’s books from my Amazon store that I believe every mom should consider adding to their home library. These books are not only engaging and beautifully illustrated, but they also carry important messages about life, values, and the power of imagination.

Get my full list of 20+ books on by Amazon store! Click Here


And last, but certainly not least, I want to share a very special book with you. It’s a book that Stephen and I wrote for our children, and now we’re sharing it with you.

The Rainmaker: How To Win When Life Gives You Rain: This is the first of a children’s series by us, Stephen and Chelsey Diaz.



The Rainmaker tells the enterprising story of Kai and Ollie, presented in colorful illustrations by Kamdon Callaway. When a sudden downpour sinks plans of selling lemonade, the brothers feel discouraged and frustrated until their mother reminds them that every problem comes with a solution and that anything is possible with the proper mindset. As the story unfolds, Kai and Ollie use their resourcefulness and upbeat attitude to turn that rainy day into an opportunity to help their friends and community flourish. Click here to get your copy!

We hope that these books will not only entertain your children but also inspire them to dream big, be kind, and make a difference in the world. After all, as we always say in the Rainmaker family, it’s about creating a life that’s not just about surviving but truly thriving!

Happy reading, Rainmakers!


August 6, 2023

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