leverage & legacy


Show Your Kids They Can Do Hard Things: Lessons From My Cold Plunge

Ever caught yourself wondering if your little ones are really soaking in what you’re teaching them? Like, are they actually listening? This question pops up in my mind more often than not. But recently, something pretty magical happened that gave me a crystal-clear answer. So, here’s the story: I’ve been challenging myself with cold plunges. […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Finding Your Purpose: Stefanie Gass on Faith, Failure, and Following Your Heart

In today’s episode, we’re exploring life beyond the business world with Stefanie Gass, an expert in harmonizing business, family life, and faith. For those of you questioning how to integrate your personal passions with your professional life without losing your core values, Stefanie’s story of rising from uncertainty to living a purpose-filled life is just […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Personal Branding Secrets: Master Branding on Instagram and Beyond in 2024

In today’s digital age, crafting a personal brand on Instagram isn’t just about curating a feed that looks appealing—it’s about authenticity, storytelling, and connecting on a deeper level with your audience. As I’ve navigated the path of building my brand, I’ve realized the power of true connection and the importance of staying genuine. 1. Share […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

The Top Questions We Get About Selling on Amazon FBA

Today we’re diving into the world of selling on Amazon. For many entrepreneurs, Amazon is a goldmine because of its massive customer base and simplified logistics. Imagine launching a business without worrying about email marketing or growing your social media from scratch. That’s the advantage of Amazon—customers are already there, waiting to discover your products. […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Elevating My Beauty Rituals in 2024: Discovering PEMF and Red Light Therapy

As we step into 2024, I’ve been on a mission to enhance my self-care routine, discovering tools that not only nourish my skin but also rejuvenate my spirit. One of my latest finds? Higher Dose’s innovative wellness tools, a game changer in my beauty rituals. Discovering PEMF Technology: My introduction to PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Unmute and Unleash: My Journey of Personal Branding on Instagram & Beyond

Today, we’re excited to talk all about personal branding – what it really means to share your story and connect with people on a deep level. Personal branding is more than just a trendy phrase. It’s a powerful journey that can bring real impact and success. Through our own experiences with Rainmakers, we’ve seen how […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Unlocking the True Potential of Consistency in Your Entrepreneurial Journey

In the world of entrepreneurship, it’s tempting to seek quick fixes and fast success. However, the real key to long-lasting achievement lies in a principle often overlooked: consistency. John Maxwell, a leading voice on leadership and success, and friend said at a an recent event “Consistency compounds.” This simple yet profound statement has been a […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Easy Steps to Grow Your Email List

Today, we’re talking about something super important but often overlooked: email marketing. Trust me, this can really make a big difference for your business. Email marketing is a powerful way to talk directly to your customers. If you’re not using it yet, you’re missing out on a lot of opportunities. It’s like having your own […]

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About Rainmakers

The Podcast

The Legacy Studio

Beyond Wealth: Crafting a Legacy of Stories

In our fast-paced world, the concept of legacy often gets tied to material wealth. Yet, recently, my thoughts have drifted towards a more profound aspect of legacy—stories that resonate through generations, outliving us and creating a lasting impact. A Lesson from a Billionaire: Last year, Stephen and I had the privilege of learning from a […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

When to Change Direction: Making Smart Moves in Life and Business

Today, we’re talking about something super important: knowing when to stick with what you’re doing and when to change things up, in both your personal life and in business. I call this “The Power of the Pivot & How To Know When To Pull It Off” Think of pivoting like making a smart turn towards […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Connect On Social

Instagram is my jam.
