Healthy Family Travel: Tips for Your Next Adventure

Getting ready to travel with your family? In today’s episode, we’re tackling a vital topic for any family on the go: staying healthy while traveling. This is especially important for rainmaker families like ours who are always moving. Whether you’re an experienced traveler or planning your first family trip, this episode has tips for everyone.

We’re talking about the importance of a well-rounded approach to staying healthy during travels. We know the feeling of coming back from an amazing trip or a busy conference, only to be hit by illness or exhaustion. We’ve changed that with some great strategies we can’t wait to share with you!

Travel is a big part of our lives, especially with kids. It’s more than just seeing new places; it’s about staying well on the journey. We’ll talk about our pre-travel routine, focusing on choosing the right supplements for each of us and making health a priority.

In this episode, we’ll go through our strategies for staying healthy on the road, like supporting our immune system with vitamins and staying hydrated. We’ll also discuss grounding, a simple technique to help our bodies adjust after flying. Plus, we’ll give you easy tips for ordering groceries that fit your health goals, and how to keep up with sleep and bedtime routines even when you’re not at home.

After our trips, we keep up our health-focused practices. We’ll share why we come back a day early to reset and get ready for the week ahead, and how we quickly switch back to our busy lives.

Travel doesn’t have to throw off your health routine. It can be a part of it. So press play, join us, and learn how to make your family’s travels healthier and happier!

Episode: minute by minute 

  • 00:00 Introduction to Healthy Travel
  • 00:21 Our Personal Experience with Travel and Health
  • 01:03 Pre-Travel Health Preparations
  • 02:15 The Role of Supplements in Travel Health
  • 07:29 The Importance of Hydration During Travel
  • 08:13 Arriving at Your Destination: Staying Healthy
  • 08:13 Maintaining a Healthy Diet While Traveling
  • 08:21 The Importance of Outdoor Time During Travel
  • 20:30 Optimizing Sleep During Travel
  • 22:36 Returning Home: Post-Travel Health Tips
  • 24:16 Conclusion: The Importance of Health in Travel

January 5, 2024

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