How To Go From Broke To “Million Dollar Days” with Eileen Wilder

Are you on the slow path to wealth or are you thinking bigger and faster?

Are you thinking about shortcuts and skipping steps or are you thinking about doing it the right way?

These powerful questions can make or break your business. Welcome back to another episode of the Rainmaker Family Show! Stephen and Chelsey are here with another amazing guest and we have to admit something…

During the recording of this episode, we were on the edge of our seats the whole time. Not because it was scary or thrilling, but because our conversation with Eileen Wilde was so profound and eye-opening that we couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say next.

The wisdom she shared with us is something that every Rainmaker Momma (or Pappa!) can learn from. 

Hit play to hear how she went from in an apartment dreaming about owning a home for her little family to making a million-dollar within ONE day.

This episode is seriously a treat, so buckle up and be sure to grab a notepad, and be ready to hit pause a few times to catch all the wisdom shared. One of the best things about this dynamic conversation is that she shares practical and spiritual advice for entrepreneurs at every stage of business

Whether you are just starting out, or you are scaling beyond your dreams, her abundant mindset and knowledge about how to create high-ticket offers will have you setting the bar a little higher. 

If this episode resonates with you, be sure to share it with a friend and hit subscribe from wherever you are listening! 

More of What’s Inside:

  • The only offers that can sell 

  • What Eileen is currently working on 

  • The rundown on high ticket offers

  • The #1 fear people have

  • How money is truly abundant 

  • The ‘Who not How?’ principle 

  • Leveraging strategic relations for more impact

  • And more!

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Episode: minute by minute 

  • 00:02 Why this episode is so powerful

  • 00:58 What Eileen carries you should learn from

  • 06:06 When Eileen started to go after the desires in her heart

  • 16:23 Why it’s important to stretch your mindsets

  • 24:24 The real ROI of getting a coach 

  • 27:43 When Eileen went sold her first high ticket offer

  • 33:02 There is total abundance in this world


May 28, 2019

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