Is This The Easiest Way To Build A LIST In 2024? I think so…

Hey Rainmakers, it’s Chelsey here! Today, I want to dive into a game-changer for any entrepreneur looking to streamline their business in 2024: ManyChat. This powerful tool is revolutionizing the way we connect with our community through automated direct messaging on platforms like Instagram and Facebook.

So, what’s ManyChat? It’s essentially a robot assistant that helps you manage conversations, nurture leads, build your customer list, and even drive sales—all on autopilot. This means while you’re crafting your next big idea or spending precious time with family, ManyChat is hard at work, ensuring your audience feels valued and engaged.

Stephen and I have been leveraging this incredible tool to make sure our business communications are not just faster but more effective. Whether you’re nurturing a lead, building your list, or pushing for a sale, ManyChat handles the heavy lifting of engaging with customers seamlessly.

Want to see how this could transform the way you interact with your audience without tying up all your time? Just hit play to dive deep into our personal experiences and tips on using ManyChat. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to upgrade how you do business, making sure you and your family thrive in the bustling digital age!

To delve deeper into maximizing your social media impact or to join our tribe of motivated moms, check out the links below or connect directly with us on Instagram. We’re here to support you as you step boldly into a prosperous future!

Episode: minute by minute 

  • 0:00 – Welcome and introduction to the power of ManyChat for building lists.
  • 1:00 – Exploring what ManyChat is and why it’s essential for marketers in 2024.
  • 3:00 – How we use ManyChat to automate our customer interactions.
  • 5:00 – Examples of successful campaigns and the impact on our business.
  • 7:00 – Guide to setting up your first ManyChat campaign.
  • 9:00 – Tips for optimizing engagement and conversion with ManyChat.
  • 11:00 – Common mistakes to avoid with automated DM marketing.
  • 13:00 – Answering your top questions about using ManyChat effectively.
  • 15:00 – Final thoughts and how to access more resources on ManyChat.

July 13, 2024

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Instagram is my jam.
