leverage & legacy


Fiverr Secrets: Unlocking Time and Creativity for Entrepreneurs

In the entrepreneurial world, we often talk about the importance of focusing on our strengths and delegating the rest. This is where platforms like Fiverr can be a game-changer, especially for busy entrepreneurs and moms like us. Let me share how discovering Fiverr changed the way I manage my business! Discovering Fiverr: I still remember […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Unlocking Dreams: A Gateway to Entrepreneurial Insight

In a special mastermind session, Stephen dove deep into an unexpected yet fascinating topic: the power of dreams in guiding our personal and business lives. This conversation was so impactful we decided it was a must-share on the Rainmaker Family Show. Dreams are often seen as just stories our minds tell us at night, but […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Act Like Your Future Self Today: A Simple Mindset Shift

Hey there! It’s Chelsey, and today we’re diving into a simple yet powerful concept: acting like the successful future you, starting now. This idea, inspired by Dr. Benjamin Hardy’s book “Be Your Future Self Now,” has changed how we make choices, especially in hiring and growing our business. It’s not about dreaming; it’s about making […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

The Power of Presence: My Journey to Creating More Margin in 2024

As we step into the early months of 2024, I’ve set a heartfelt goal for myself: to create more margin in my calendar. This isn’t just about managing time; it’s about making room for what truly matters – quality moments with my boys. The Realization: After the whirlwind of the holidays and intense planning for […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Embracing Dyslexia: My Entrepreneurial SuperPower

Today, I want to talk about something very close to my heart – my journey with dyslexia. This journey has not only shaped my personal growth but also played a pivotal role in my entrepreneurial success. Understanding Dyslexia: Dyslexia, often misunderstood, is more than just mixing up letters. It’s a different way of thinking, a […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Moms Need To Give Themselves Permission: The #1 Mindset I Needed To  Let Go

Hey amazing moms and entrepreneurs! Today, I want to chat about something that profoundly changed my perspective, both as a mom and as a business owner: giving ourselves permission to outsource and not do everything ourselves. The Early Days: Back in my early entrepreneurial days, before I became a mom, I received advice that now […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Master Your Year: The Preloaded Calendar Technique for Balanced Success

Ready to revolutionize the way you approach your year? If you’re balancing entrepreneurship with family life, we’ve got just the thing to bring harmony to your busy schedule, helping you achieve your goals without the overwhelm. Whether you’re a planning pro or new to the idea, this hack is designed for everyone! In today’s episode, […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Leverage Income: The 2024 Game Changer for Entrepreneurs and Moms

Gone are the days of chasing ‘passive income’ – welcome to the era of leverage in 2024! Redefining Income: Passive income has always been the buzzword – true passive income is a myth, especially for us moms. Time is our most valuable asset, so every hour we invest needs to count for much more. That’s […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Healthy Family Travel: Tips for Your Next Adventure

Getting ready to travel with your family? In today’s episode, we’re tackling a vital topic for any family on the go: staying healthy while traveling. This is especially important for rainmaker families like ours who are always moving. Whether you’re an experienced traveler or planning your first family trip, this episode has tips for everyone. […]

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About Rainmakers

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The Legacy Studio

Half a Credit Short: My Unconventional Path to Graduation

Imagine the shock of finding out you’re not officially a graduate after all your hard work in college. That’s exactly what happened to me. Let me share this surprising twist in my journey, one that taught me resilience and the true value of education. The Email That Changed Everything: Seven months post-graduation, an email awaited […]

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