How to build wealth, become radically generous and engineer a Family culture that changes the world with Joshua & Ashlee Latimer

As the Rainmaker Family, we want to empower Moms and Dads to raise world changers and leave a financial legacy so their kids can step into their superpower without limits…does that make your heart lead? If so, you’re going to love this episode! 

Welcome to episode 86 of The Rainmaker Family Show! Whenever we meet someone incredible, our first thought is “Omg, how can we get them on the podcast!?” Not because we want to look cool or interview random people, but because we know YOU need to meet them! 

And that’s exactly what happened with today’s guest. We found ourselves speaking at the same event as this powerhouse couple and knew we had to reach out and connect. Hit play to meet Joshua & Ashlee Latimer! They are a couple that is hard to introduce because a simple bio just doesn’t seem to cover it. Like, where do you start? 

Not only are they successful entrepreneurs and business owners, but they are powerful parents who have found innovative ways to lead their families and create a culture in their home that brings the best out of their kids and marriage. But their wisdom doesn’t stop there! 

Being married for 27+ years and overcoming some serious relationship issues in their early days has given them a unique perspective on what it looks like to run a successful business and keep love at the center of everything they do. 

We highly recommend listening to this episode with your spouse! There is so much waiting for those who listen to the end because Joshua & Ashlee will let us in on how they created their family values, how they instill a billionaire mindset in their kids, what it means in 2022 to have a “birthright” and so much more!

If you know another powerful family who needs to hear this conversation, share it with them! 

More of What’s Inside:

  • The importance of showing up for the family

  • We’re builders and creators, not consumers

  • Being a good father is not all about the quantity of time

  • The importance of creating a culture around your identity

  • Decentralized education and homeschooling

  • Everyone loves the wine, but no one sees the crushing of the grapes

  • How do you manage expectations with kids?

  • And more!

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Episode: minute by minute 

  • 0:55 Welcome Joshua & Ashlee

  • 1:44 How to raise world changer kids

  • 5:50 How Joshua & Ashlee learned how to communicate

  • 7:44 The real “flex” in life and business

  • 11:00 When their marriage was on the rocks…

  • 18:55 Embarrassing your family’s uniqueness 

  • 22:18 Creating your family’s birthright 

  • 24:12 Ashlee’s homeschools tips

  • 28:21 What the entrepreneurial spirit looks like

  • 34:00 Creating a culture of generosity

  • 45:00 How to connect more with Joshua & Ashlee


August 16, 2023

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