Our Annual Quest for the Perfect Christmas Tree

As the holiday season approaches, I can’t help but get excited about one of our most cherished family traditions – our annual quest for the perfect real Christmas tree. 🎄✨ This tradition is so much more than just bringing a tree into our home; it’s about creating lasting memories.

Let me take you back to the time when Stephen and I were dating. We started this magical tradition of driving up to the mountains with our friends to cut down our very own Christmas tree. 

🏔️🎄 Imagine us, bundled up against the chilly mountain air, surrounded by the laughter of friends and the sweet, crisp scent of pine. Those trips up the mountain became an integral part of our holiday celebrations, leaving us with a treasure trove of memories that I cherish to this day.

Fast forward to now, and we’ve adapted this beautiful tradition with our boys. This year was actually the first year in 4 years that we went up to the same little mountain town to cut down our tree. In years past we just go to the same Christmas lot and pick out our tree. 🌲✨

There’s something truly special about the smell of real pine, the excitement and wonder in the boys’ eyes, and the knowledge that we’re creating something beautiful together. Each tree we’ve chosen over the years has been unique, just like each year’s experience. And honestly, I wouldn’t trade these moments for anything in the world. 🌟

So, to all of you who stumbled upon this post and are debating between a real or fake Christmas tree this year, I say go for the real one! Embrace the adventure, create new amazing memories, and enjoy the unique charm that only a real tree can bring to your holiday season.

Wishing you all a holiday filled with joy, love, and cherished traditions!

With holiday cheer,


December 6, 2023

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