Rethinking Balance: Beyond the Myths of Work-Life Balance Lie

Work-life balance? I don’t know about that anyone…

Today we’re tackling a big question we often hear: How do we manage everything—parenting, running a business, and everything in between? Here’s the thing: there’s a lot of misconceptions about work-life balance out there, and we’re ready to bust them wide open.

Our recent 11th-anniversary dinner sparked a deep discussion that inspired this episode. We want to share our take on what balance really means for us. Spoiler alert: It’s not about dividing your time 50/50 between work and family. Instead, it’s understanding that life comes in seasons, each with its own demands and joys.

Looking back at our journey, from the early days of our relationship to parenting and entrepreneurship, we’ve seen firsthand that balance doesn’t come from a universal formula. It’s about figuring out what’s most important right now, keeping the communication lines open, and making purposeful choices about where we invest our time and energy.

So, to anyone feeling like they’re constantly chasing this idea of perfect balance, remember: It’s less about keeping everything in perfect harmony and more about moving through life’s seasons with intention and understanding. Join us as we dive deep into redefining balance and discovering how to focus on what truly counts, creating peace and making an impact both at home and in the world.

Press play to dive into a real talk about finding your unique rhythm and making work-life balance work for you.

April 14, 2024

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