How to make an extra $500-3000+ THIS Week!

What would an extra $500 to $3,000 do for your family THIS week?

For most people, this would be a huge game changer and help get most families to their goals even quicker! If you are in that camp, this episode is for you!

Today, Stephen and I share 10 powerful phrases designed to make you some serious cash on social media, with potential earnings between $500 to $3,000 in just a week. 

We call these “social prompts.” they are like scripts you can use to post on social media that could lead to extra cash!

These prompts, reminiscent of our community’s concept of seed money, are your ticket to financial gains, be it for business, a much-needed vacation, or festive celebrations. The power lies in the strategic copywriting behind each prompt, designed to captivate. If you score big using our advice, we’d love to hear about it. Share your success and let’s celebrate together.

Thinking back to simpler times, I recall distributing flyers and going door-to-door with sheer determination, securing opportunities where least expected. Steven’s college ventures also speak volumes about spotting opportunities to start businesses and acting on them. 

With the internet’s immense reach today, the potential for earning is even higher. The right message on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, combined with a touch of resourcefulness, can pave the way for some quick cash and even some impressive financial gains.

Our initial prompts are based on tasks many shy away from. They might not be long-term business ventures, but they’re perfect for making money quickly. Think about services like garage cleaning, junk hauling, or even running a “hands-off garage sale.” The idea is to spot gaps, offer value, and craft irresistible offers and the reality is, people will pay a premium price for convenience.

The world has evolved, but the principle remains: harness what you have, be it simple tools or today’s digital platforms. With dedication, a resourceful approach, and the right prompt, there’s no limit to what you can achieve. So what are you waiting for? Hit that play button now to hear all ten prompts and start earning cash this week! 

P.S: If you’re interested in putting these prompts into action and making some quick cash or some extra seed money this week, we have a pdf for you that you can copy and paste any of these prompts onto your social media page with ease! Follow the links below and check it out!

Links for this episode:

Episode: minute by minute 

  • 00:00 Jump in to find out our 10 money making phrases to implement on social media! 

  • 01:32 Leave us a review on this podcast if one of these 10 phrases helps you make money 

  • 02:10 Put in the time and move from lack of resources to being resourceful 

  • 05:16 Introduction to the 10 prompts and where to post them on social media 

  • 07:19 How to create cash quickly by making the prompts engaging 

  • 10:17 How to drive more traffic to your prompts 

  • 15:11 Finding ways to get people to pay a premium for convenience 

  • 17:18 Two prompts that are more advanced, but can produce massive ROI! 

  • 21:16 Finding ways to outsource work for you to get back your time 

  • 22:13 The importance of copywriting and how vital it is for getting engagement 

  • 23:00 Be sure to grab the pdf in the show notes that includes all 10 of these prompts! 

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October 16, 2023

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Instagram is my jam.
