The feeling of being stuck, of being almost paralyzed when it comes to taking action in our lives is something we can all relate to at some point.
Whether it’s a deadline we’ve set for ourselves or one that’s been imposed on us, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to figure out the next steps to complete a project.But don’t worry, I’ve been there too, and I’ve found a method that works for me. I want to share it with you, in the hopes that it might help you too. So, let’s dive in!
Are you feeling stuck in a workspace rut? Do you find yourself longing for a home office makeover that not only boosts your productivity but also enhances your health and well-being? If so, you’re in the right place!
If I have learned one thing about success… It’s that sometimes you have to look in unexpected places to find your answer.
It was a chilly evening, the clock striking 10 pm as I stepped outside into the dark to close the door on our chicken coop. As I peeked inside, my heart sank. One of our new chicks was missing. Now, we haven’t named our chickens, but they bring me so much joy, and the thought of losing one was devastating.
You never know the real impact our actions can have…
Today I want to share a personal story about an act of generosity that left a profound mark on Stephen and me. It’s a story that not only changed our lives but also inspired us to pay it forward and create a ripple effect of kindness.
Back when Stephen and I were in our early twenties, we were on the cusp of a significant milestone – buying our first home.
If you’re new to the world of entrepreneurship, you might be feeling a little lost or even second-guessing your decision. Trust me, I’ve been there. When Stephen and I first embarked on our entrepreneurial journey, I felt isolated and even a little ashamed. I wasn’t using my college degree like everyone else I graduated with, and it was easy to let the negative voices of imposter syndrome, self-doubt, and fear creep into my thoughts.
“Better together.” It’s a phrase that has echoed in my heart since the days of high school dating.
That Jack Johnson’s song was popular when we were dating and it’s a sentiment that has only grown stronger with time, and it reminds me of my journey with Stephen…
Do you ever find yourself wishing for a closer family bond but feel unsure about where to start or how to get everyone on the same page? You’re not alone. Many of us dream of a united family that stands together, supporting each other through life’s ups and downs. But the question is, how do we turn this dream into reality?
Today, I’m here to share some practical tips that will help you foster more unity within your family. These are strategies that we’ve found to be incredibly effective in our own journey toward creating a thriving family legacy. So, let’s dive right in!
In the hustle and bustle of life, we often encounter experiences that shape us, mold us, and ultimately propel us forward. Today, I want to share a story from my past, a story that I believe played a pivotal role in my journey to entrepreneurship.
Before I was a founder, an educator, a podcaster, a dream chaser, and a legacy builder, I was a cashier at In-N-Out. (It was the BEST first job I could have asked for! But one day…
As a mother, entrepreneur, and legacy builder, I’ve learned many lessons along the way. But there’s one piece of advice that has helped transform my mindset and has been one of the most impactful tips on my journey.
It’s a simple truth, yet it holds profound power….
So, what is my philosophy when it comes to photography? Simply put, I’m passionate about legacy. When I look through my viewfinder, I don’t just see a family; I see their story, their journey, their legacy. And it’s that story I strive to capture and preserve.