I’m excited to share with you some of my absolute favorite kitchen items that have become daily essentials in our home!Each of these products has brought so much joy and convenience into our lives, and I’m excited to share a little bit about why I love them so much!
In the dance of daily life, where we whirl between roles and responsibilities, finding a moment to breathe and mentally transition from the world of work to the sanctuary of home is crucial.
I call this the power of the PAUSE.
At the end of my work day, I have a small yet transformative ritual that has become my anchor and my bridge between mom and CEO. I’ve been embracing this end-of-the-day ritual for a few months now, by just carving out 5 to 10 minutes as my work day ends and before I jump into mom world with my boys.
Looking back on the journey, I can see how you can have the impact and revenue you want in business but without the hustle.
However, i didn’t always understand that! There was a time in our lives when everything in the business fell on us…
There was no such thing as weekends or vacations. It seemed like we worked 24/7 and felt there was no end to the to-do list. As we have grown as entrepreneurs and leaders, we have now built a team and have learned to outsource. When our second son, Ollie was born, we actually to took whole months off and our business didn’t skip a beat, thanks to our incredible crew! This reality is possible for every entrepreneur at any stage in business.
Don’t believe me? Let me introduce you to “The 2-Week Vacation Test”
Hey, friend!
It’s Chelsey here, sharing a little piece of my journey in the realm of health and wellness. As you know, I’m no health expert, but I’m always on the lookout for ways to enhance my well-being and share my discoveries with you all.
Why Red Light Therapy?
Trust me, wherever you want to get in life, there is a path!
If you are a loyal reader of the blog, you may have heard a little bit of my journey “From Fast Food to Inc 5000” in written form, but on this episode of The Rainmaker Family show, I share parts of the story that I have never talked about publicly.
What if you could know what’s going to happen in your business at this time next year? It would be crazy, right?
For most moms and CEOs this would probably give you a sense a peace and comfort. Not only that, but with more insight it could give you a better chance at making a game plan to hit your goals!
I am excited to have you back with us for the podcast! Ready to dive into a topic that’s been huge for our business – Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs. These guys have been a game-changer in our business and personal growth journey. But hold on, because there’s something else we’re excited to share: scorecards.
In today’s episode, we’re revealing 10 powerful phrases designed to make you some serious cash on social media, with potential earnings between $500 to $3,000 in just a week.
These prompts, reminiscent of our community’s concept of seed money, are your ticket to financial gains, be it for business, a much-needed vacation, or festive celebrations.
If I’ve learned anything from our journey, it’s that real success resembles tending to a garden more than a lightning strike. Think about it: a garden requires patience, nurturing, care, and a lot of continuous effort. Sure, there are days when the flowers bloom suddenly, making all your hard work seem magical, but true success stands tall on a strong and enduring foundation.
The journey of life requires us to take a leap of faith, and to GO before we KNOW, and to trust the whispers of our intuition. I often reflect on listening to those subtle nudges and gentle reminders that urge us to act, to connect, and to reach out.
Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of introspection, and a recurring theme keeps coming to the forefront of my mind: the importance of patience and persistence in our entrepreneurial journey.